In addition to the audio files you will receive after your Recalling Memories phone rental, you will have the opportunity to choose the album artwork for your video waveform files.
There are 3 options for the artwork for your files:
1. Have Recalling Memories create a simple graphic with your event details
2. Submit a photo or graphic before your event
3. Submit a photo after your event (note: this will delay the creation of your video waveform files)
Resolution for your album artwork:
Consider where you would like to share the video files; this will help you determine what aspect ration and orientation to use for your album artwork. Compatible resolutions:
Square: 1080x1080px (most popular choice)
Portrait: 1080x1920px, 2160x3840px
Landscape: 720x576px, 1280x720px, 1280x960px, 1280x1024px, 1920x1080px, 3840x2160px,
You can use photo editing software to crop and save your artwork as a .png or .jpg file format.
Send it to hello@recallingmemories.com -- we'll handle the rest!